1. Familie Herlin / Heerlien / Herlijn / Herlyn

Dirck Diricxz + Isabella van Duisborch

1 Kind

Eltern Großeltern

Informationen zur Familiengruppe
Heirat 1561
Veröffentlichung: in : "Simiolus, Netherlands quarterly for the history of art", 2017, pp. 141-160
"Dirk Dircxz married Isabelle van Duisborch “from the land of Kleef” in Antwerp in 1561. They also lived in Antwerp, for their son Govert (in Ostfriesland später genannt: Gevert Dircksen) was born there two years later ... In 1570 he settled in Emden in Germany, where his religion was given as Protestant. He did keep in touch with his family in Leiden, though, for in 1576 he acted as a witness at the marriage of Jacob Aertsz Spruyt and Maria Dircx. Volcxken’s will of 17 October 1581 is currently the terminus "ante quem" for the death of her brother Dirk."
Letzte Änderung 14. August 201713:55:31

von: Wilmjakob Johannes Herlyn