1. Familie Herlin / Heerlien / Herlijn / Herlyn

Wappen_van_der_Meulen (Brügge)

Sara van der MeulenAlter: 66 Jahre15521618

Sara van der Meulen
van der Meulen
Geburt um 1552 32 32
Geburt einer SchwesterAnna van der Meulen
um 1553 (Alter 12 Monate)
Veröffentlichung: 's-Gravenhage - Verkrijgbaar bij MARTINUS NIJHOFF - 1986
Geburt eines BrudersDaniel van der Meulen
23. Oktober 1554 (Alter 2 Jahre)
Geburt einer SchwesterMaria van der Meulen
um 1556 (Alter 4 Jahre)

Tod eines väterlichen GroßvatersJan „de Oude“ van der Meulen
um 1557 (Alter 5 Jahre)
Veröffentlichung: 's-Gravenhage - Verkrijgbaar bij MARTINUS NIJHOFF - 1986
Tod einer väterlichen GroßmutterCatrina Aertsens
vor 1561 (Alter 9 Jahre)

Tod eines VatersJan „de Jonge“ van der Meulen
um 1563 (Alter 11 Jahre)
Tod eines BrudersJan van der Meulen
November 1576 (Alter 24 Jahre)
Ursache: von den spanischen Truppen ermordet
Veröffentlichung: Publication Date : 2015 Peer reviewed | Thesis/dissertation https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95h1471w
S. 40/41 "The flight of merchants from Antwerp — particularly foreign merchants — reached a critical mass after the violence of the Spanish Fury in November 1576. 112 Having gone without pay for months, and with no payment in sight after the bankruptcy of the Spanish crown in 1575, a general mutiny broke out among the ranks of the Army of Flanders. On 4 November 1576, thousands of soldiers poured out of the citadel of Antwerp, easily overcoming the troops hired by the States General to defend the city, and embarked upon a days long sacking of the city. The soldiers attacked and pillaged the bodies and wealth of Antwerp’s inhabitants, killing thousands and setting fire to the city’s newly constructed town hall, the symbol of Antwerp’s civic pride. 113 Among those killed by the mutineers was Jean van der Meulen, the oldest brother of the Van der Meulen siblings. 114)" S. 602 "Jean van der Meulen ... In 1576, Jean found himself in Antwerp when mutinous Spanish soldiers stormed and plundered the city. Jean was among the thousands killed in the Spanish Fury, which wrecked Antwerp and led to the expulsion of Spanish soldiers from the Low Countries."
S. 9 "Aan het begin van de Nederlandse Opstand waren Andries en Daniel van der Meulen protestantse kooplieden te Antwerpen. Hun broer Jan was een van de zevenduizend slachtoffers die muitende soldaten in 1576 in Antwerpen maakten tijdens de zogenaamde 'Spaanse furie'. Gedurende een aantal jaren hadden de protestanten in Antwerpen het heft in handen, en Andries van der Meulen maakte in die periode deel uit van het stadsbestuur. Maar toen Spaanse troepen in 1585 de stad na een langdurige belegering wisten te heroveren, zocht Andries met zijn familieleden, zoals veel protestantse handelaars, een veilig heenkomen in Duitsland. Daar hoefde men niet bevreesd te zijn voor godsdienstige vervolging en economisch gezien was het gebied gunstig gelegen. Verscheidene Antwerpse kooplieden weken uit naar Frankfurt of Keulen, anderen naar Hamburg of Stade. De Van der Meulens kozen Bremen als ballingsoord. 1) 1) Zie de inleiding van: Gisela Jongbloet-Van Houtte ed., Brieven en andere bescheiden betreffende Daniel van der Meu1en 1584-16()() I (Den Haag 1986).
Tod einer SchwesterMaria van der Meulen
1584 (Alter 32 Jahre)

HeiratAntoine LempereurDiese Familie ansehen
Februar 1586 (Alter 34 Jahre)
Veröffentlichung: Publication Date : 2015 Peer reviewed | Thesis/dissertation https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95h1471w
S. 605 "Sara van der Meulen, c. 1552–1553 to April 1618 • Antoine Lempereur, 5 June 1552 to September 1615 Sent to live in Cologne at the age of about ten, Sara only returned to Antwerp with her mother in 1582. Once in Antwerp, she and her younger sister must have helped their mother with the household duties and also likely assisted with the accounting and other mercantile business where possible. At the age of thirty-two, she received a suitor in the person of Antoine Lempereur, the former partner of her brother-in-law, François. Antoine wrote to Sara throughout 1584 and 1585 while Antwerp was under siege.66 The delay in Antoine’s planned arrival in Antwerp and the breaks in his correspondence made Sara question her feelings for Antoine, but the fall of Antwerp and Sara’s extrication to Bremen opened the way for the engagement to finally take place. The two signed a marriage agreement on 13 November 1585. On the same day, Antoine signed the agreement with his soon to be brothers-in-law to form the “Nieuwe Compagnie. Antoine was tasked with the bookkeeping for the firm, and like François, the terms of the agreement dictated that he could not trade outside the bounds of the company. Sara and Antoine married in February 1586."
Geburt eines Sohns
Antoine Lempereur
Dezember 1586 (Alter 34 Jahre)
Tod einer MutterElisabeth Zeghers
17. Juni 1587 (Alter 35 Jahre)
Geburt eines Sohns
Constantijn Lempereur
Juli 1591 (Alter 39 Jahre)

Tod eines BrudersDaniel van der Meulen
25. Juli 1600 (Alter 48 Jahre)
er starb an der Pest wahrscheinlich in Bremen (?) S. 9 "In 1600 viel Daniel van der Meulen ten prooi aan de pest. Zijn dood werd door zijn verwanten vooral beschouwd als een groot verlies voor de familie: "c'éstoit un homme doué de parties fort recomandables et utiles en un parentage". 12) 12 Brieven Daniel van der Meulen, XXXIII.
Tod einer SchwesterAnna van der Meulen
nach 1600 (Alter 48 Jahre)

Tod eines BrudersAndries van der Meulen
12. Januar 1611 (Alter 59 Jahre)
Tod eines EhemannsAntoine Lempereur
1615 (Alter 63 Jahre)
Tod April 1618 (Alter 66 Jahre)
Familie mit Eltern - Diese Familie ansehen
Heirat: 2. Juni 1543Antwerpen, Flämische Region, Belgien
5 Jahre
älterer Bruder
3 Jahre
älterer Bruder
4 Jahre
sie selbst
2 Jahre
jüngere Schwester
22 Monate
jüngerer Bruder
2 Jahre
jüngere Schwester
Familie mit Antoine Lempereur - Diese Familie ansehen
sie selbst
Heirat: Februar 1586Bremen, Deutschland
11 Monate
5 Jahre

HeiratFamily in Revolt: The Van der Meulen and Della Faille Families in the Dutch Revolt
Veröffentlichung: Publication Date : 2015 Peer reviewed | Thesis/dissertation https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95h1471w
S. 605 "Sara van der Meulen, c. 1552–1553 to April 1618 • Antoine Lempereur, 5 June 1552 to September 1615 Sent to live in Cologne at the age of about ten, Sara only returned to Antwerp with her mother in 1582. Once in Antwerp, she and her younger sister must have helped their mother with the household duties and also likely assisted with the accounting and other mercantile business where possible. At the age of thirty-two, she received a suitor in the person of Antoine Lempereur, the former partner of her brother-in-law, François. Antoine wrote to Sara throughout 1584 and 1585 while Antwerp was under siege.66 The delay in Antoine’s planned arrival in Antwerp and the breaks in his correspondence made Sara question her feelings for Antoine, but the fall of Antwerp and Sara’s extrication to Bremen opened the way for the engagement to finally take place. The two signed a marriage agreement on 13 November 1585. On the same day, Antoine signed the agreement with his soon to be brothers-in-law to form the “Nieuwe Compagnie. Antoine was tasked with the bookkeeping for the firm, and like François, the terms of the agreement dictated that he could not trade outside the bounds of the company. Sara and Antoine married in February 1586."
MedienobjektWappen_van_der_Meulen (Brügge)Wappen_van_der_Meulen (Brügge)
Format: image/png
Bildmaße: 139 × 150 Pixel
Dateigröße: 60 kB
Typ: Wappen
Hervorgehobenes Bild: ja
Veröffentlichung: 18de eeuw; Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge, ms. 449 https://erfgoedbrugge.be/handschrift-de-hooghe/
Schrift 1, f. 246/247