1. Familie Herlin / Heerlien / Herlijn / Herlyn

Antonia Montens1578

Antonia Montens

HeiratJohan van de CorputDiese Familie ansehen

IV, 1 (1). Anna van der Meulen, geb. Antwerpen 1544/1546; tr. l Keulen sept. 1573 Severijn van de Corput''), zoon van Johan van de Corput ( t 1569) en A n t h o n i a Montens ( t 1578), ut Frankfurt dec. 1575; tr. 2 ' Keulen 1576/1582 Francais Pierens uit K o m e n . Z o o n uit l huwelijk sub V , l (1) a. Kinderen uit 2 huwelijk sub V , l (1) b-d. https://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/meulen/#page=0&accessor=toc&view=htmlPane
Geburt eines Sohns
Severijn van de Corput
um 1550
Veröffentlichung: Publication Date : 2015 Peer reviewed | Thesis/dissertation https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95h1471w
S. 211/212 "... Severijn van de Corput. Born in Breda, Severijn had purchased citizenship in Antwerp in 1572."
Geburt eines Enkelsohns
Hansken van de Corput
um 1574

Veröffentlichung: Publication Date : 2015 Peer reviewed | Thesis/dissertation https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95h1471w
S. 602 "Anna and François had at least three children, but little is known about them. Anna’s child from her first marriage, Hansken, was mostly raised in the household of Andries. After a short stay in Andries’s house in Bremen, they moved to the port city of Stade in 1588. In 1592, they returned to Bremen to live alongside Anna’s siblings. They appear to have lived in Bremen until at least 1618. Anna and François both developed close relations to Anna’s siblings. François appears as a pious husband and brother-in-law in his letters to his affines. Anna’s letters to her siblings often spoke of the various ailments which seemed to constantly inflict her. She worried greatly when François left the house for business and had trouble sleeping at night."
Tod eines SohnsSeverijn van de Corput
um Dezember 1575

Veröffentlichung: Publication Date : 2015 Peer reviewed | Thesis/dissertation https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95h1471w
S. 211/212 "The trade carried on by Elizabeth following her husband’s death in 1563 connected the biannual fairs in Strasbourg and Frankfurt to Antwerp, with Cologne playing an important role in communication between the two poles.11 In 1573, Elizabeth looked to solidify her position within this trade and expand her resources through the marriage of her eldest daughter, who was about twenty-eight years old, to Severijn van de Corput. Born in Breda, Severijn had purchased citizenship in Antwerp in 1572. Elizabeth moved towards creating a company with her new son-in-law that was to focus on the trade she had performed on her own. However, before the company was officially begun, Severijn died in 1575, leaving Anna a widow at the age of thirty with a young son. Anna again entered into the matrimonial estate some time before 1582. Like Severijn, François Pierens was a merchant who specialized in trade at the fairs of Strasbourg and Frankfurt. In 1576, he had created a company with the brothers Jan and Antoine Lempereur to pursue this trade, but in 1581, he liquidated the company to form one with his mother-in-law. Elizabeth was the senior partner in the company, contributing two-thirds of the capital with François responsible for the remaining one-third. Having resided in Cologne since 1572 due to the troubles in Antwerp, Anna’s marriage to François and the creation of the company enabled Elizabeth to return to Antwerp. François now became responsible for coordinating the trade of the company from his base in Cologne.12"
Tod 1578

IV, 1 (1). Anna van der Meulen, geb. Antwerpen 1544/1546; tr. l Keulen sept. 1573 Severijn van de Corput''), zoon van Johan van de Corput ( t 1569) en A n t h o n i a Montens ( t 1578), ut Frankfurt dec. 1575; tr. 2 ' Keulen 1576/1582 Francais Pierens uit K o m e n . Z o o n uit l huwelijk sub V , l (1) a. Kinderen uit 2 huwelijk sub V , l (1) b-d. https://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/meulen/#page=0&accessor=toc&view=htmlPane